LEGO Minecraft

Le projet LEGO Minecraft initié par des fans et soutenu par l’éditeur du jeu Mojang

sur Cuusoo a atteint les 10.000 supporters et passe donc à l’étape 2.

Le projet passe donc de l’état de Idea (idée) à celui de Review (analyse)

Durant cette phase, un jury composé de designers, chefs produits et de quelques autres décideurs de la société LEGO va examiner ce projet. Des prototypes vont être créés afin d’évaluer si le concept satisfait aux standards de sécurité et de jouabilité de LEGO.

Cette phase de Review va durer 1 à 2 semaines et au terme de ce processus, une décision de principe sera prise sur la poursuite ou non du projet.

Si la décision est positive, le projet rentrera alors dans une troisième phase durant laquelle les produits destinés à être mis sur le marché seront conçus, finalisés et préparés pour la commercialisation. Cette phase durera plusieurs mois.

Communiqué de Lego sur ce projet

A big congratulations is in order to Mojang for securing the required 10,000 supporters on LEGO CUUSOO in hopes of seeing their LEGO wish become a real product! We officially advance this project to the Review phase. It is still too early to say whether a Minecraft play set will become a LEGO product as it still needs to go through a review and approval process to ensure it meets our usual LEGO standards, but it is certainly a lot closer (more about that below).

The passion of the Minecraft community is now very obvious. This latest project slowed our servers to a grind and took them down three times as we adjusted to the heavy traffic. So, we're listening. ;-)

We never expected a project to meet the 10,000 threshold this quickly while the website is still in beta. For a bit of perspective, our first launch, the Shinkai 6500, took 420 days to reach 1,000 votes in Japan. Hayabusa, our second, took 57 days for the same. This project took only 48 HOURS to reach 10,000 supporters worldwide.

We’re also pleased with how Mojang and the builders behind the original fan-created Minecraft project, “koalaexpert” and “suparMacho,” worked together in a collaborative and giving spirit. It’s a great story, and our hats are off to you for that.

What happens now?
This project moves from the Idea stage to the Review stage. A “LEGO Jury” composed of designers, product managers, and other key team members will examine the idea. We'll build concept models and determine if the concept meets our high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product, including playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand.

Whie the fit sounds obvious to Minecraft fans (Minecraft blocks and LEGO bricks look similar, so of course it's a fit), every single LEGO product goes through a similar process and must meet the same standards.

This review is a 1-2 week process. When finished, we make a "go/no go" decision to develop and sell Minecraft LEGO products. If it is given a "go," the project then enters the longest phase; the Development phase. During this time, LEGO model designers refine the product and develop it for release, we create the product materials (box, instructions, marketing), and get everything ready for a production run. This takes several months.

One more thing.
We know 1-2 weeks is a long time to wait, so we’ll try to work fast. Maybe not as fast as you were getting to 10,000, but we’ll see. We appreciate your enthusiastic support!

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